Friday, December 27, 2019
Religion And The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria - 1643 Words
Religion is a defining characteristic of most of the world with only 16% of the world having no religious affiliation (Pew Research, 2015). A number of celebrations and holidays come from religion, and are often the reasons a lot of people take off certain days of the years. For example, schools or work offices are sometimes almost or completely shut down for holidays like the Good Friday preceding Easter Sunday or Christmas. Religion is universal and is engrained into most cultures throughout the world. Pilgrimages to Rome or Mecca display this well. Cathedrals and mosques are visited all over the world by tourists every day. However, religion is the reason for much strife throughout the world. Groups like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), the†¦show more content†¦Long before that, women could not own property. The US progressed swiftly compared to other counties. Women in India could not own property at all until 1937. Even then, women were only granted that right through family inh eritance or their marital status. It is still rare for women to be in possession of land despite the number of acts that have passed over the century. From British colonial rule through postcolonial times and even now, women are still having to express their desire for rights that men have like inheritance and ownership. During colonial times, progress was made by simply the idea of women having rights being expressed. It was seen to conflict with the Hindu beliefs and practices, so most of the time rights for women were only written, not actually implemented. Furthermore, the debates were ongoing and over the years as people persisted, bills like the Age of Consent Act of 1891 and the Hindu Succession Bill of 1956 were passed. The reason for all the opposition of reforming Hindu laws was usually due to how much it interfered with Hindu practices and traditional family values. The more rights women received, the less authenticity was left in the Hindu culture therefore being seen as destructive to the Indian, patriarchal society despite the progress made for women (Williams, 2013). This shows that Hindu itself hinders progress from being made for all people and benefits men more than it does women. Simply put, theShow MoreRelatedReligion And The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1729 Words  | 7 Pagescommon topic being debated. There is much debate on whether religion is the cause of the wars we are fighting in this modern day. The most current terrorist group today is ISIS or The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They are oppressing and destroying their fellow Syrian’s and Iraqi’s and they are spreading alarm and panic across the world with their violence and destruction. ISIS is a Muslim society, which paints a negative picture on the religion, but they are extremists. ISIS does not speak for theRead MoreIslamic Violence And The Islamic State898 Words  | 4 Pages Islamic State Imagine waking up one morning, walking out of your house, and seeing men with rifles walking up and down the streets of your neighborhood. The armed men directing traffic, checking businesses, telling the women how to dress. It would not be a pleasant morning would it? This is what Syria and Iraq have been experiencing with the Islamic sate taking over the two countries. The armed men telling people what to do, inspecting everything, and controlling all the movement is the least ofRead MoreThe Islamic State And Terrorism985 Words  | 4 Pagesis what Syria and Iraq have been experiencing with the Islamic State taking over the two countries. The armed men telling people what to do, inspecting everything, and controlling all the movement is the least of Syria and Iraq’s problems. The Islamic state has committed various acts of violence in both countries. 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The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham also known as ISIS, an Al Qaeda affiliation is not only alive but spreading and spreading fast. The group started out in Iraq as the world known Al Qaeda before rebranding themselves. Though both jihadi groups strived to establish an independent Islamic state in the region of Iraq , ISIS believes in a much more brutal regimine. Threating to take ov er both Iraq and Syria, killing and beheading both their own and American/BritishRead MoreThe World Capital Of Terrorism1092 Words  | 5 PagesCRW-3 28.11.16 Terrorism in Iraq Did you know that in 2014 ISIS controlled more than 34,000 square miles in the middle east? ISIS is a terrorist group that is in Iraq. Iraq is the number one country with the most terrorist groups. ISIS is the number one terrorist group in the Iraq. Malala Yousafzai was shot by a terrorist group from Iraq. 4,000 ISIS members are in Iraq alone. Terrorism in Iraq is a big problem. ISIS is the number one terrorist group in all of Iraq. The Global Terrorism Index hasRead MoreThe Rise Of The Islamic State1707 Words  | 7 PagesISIS The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or also sometimes known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is an extremist Islamic militant group that has based themselves from around North Syria to the Central part of Iraq. ISIS is has been run by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi since May 2010 and has terrified people from all around the world with their extreme use of violence to get what they want. The group originally began in 2004 with the name Al Qaeda in Iraq, and then two yearsRead MoreThe Management Of Islamic State Under The Caliphate Rules And Dogma1599 Words  | 7 Pageswith network of different objectives. The ISIL end state in â€Å"golden ring†is the establishment of Islamic State under the Caliphate rules and dogma. The key objectives are to be able to control and defense the territory, with possibility to influence, recruit and indoctrinate the young Muslim foreign fighters from the â€Å"golden ring†. In same time to marginalized the à ¢â‚¬Å"silver ring†and challenge the security and stability in the region around Syria, Iraq and North Africa. Finally, to spread the fear andRead MoreThe Savagery Of The Islamic State1502 Words  | 7 PagesBefore analyzing the savagery of the Islamic State, it is imperative to distinguish their beliefs from those of practical Muslims. ISIS is a Sunni jihadist (extremist) group-their ideology is reminiscent of the old-school views of the Muslim Brotherhood, and many of their principles are the same embraced by Al-Qaeda. In adopting extreme anti-Western interpretations of Islam, its adherents promote religious violence to oust â€Å"infidels†or â€Å"apostates†who threaten ‘their’ faith. Although these â€Å"disciples†Read MoreIran And Its Judicial System1646 Words  | 7 PagesA Better Understanding to Syria and Its Judicial System Introduction As early as 1516, Syria has been known to be ruled under Ottoman Turks Empire for well over several centuries. In 1916 Arabs and British military collaborated together and rebelled against Turkish rules. This allowed independence over the Turks for Arab countries and ending 400 years of supreme political power of the Ottoman Empire. After many years of restructuring Syria economics, social, and political fields, they combined
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Voice in T.S. Eliots The Hippopotamus, The Hollow Men,...
Voice in T.S. Eliots The Hippopotamus, The Hollow Men, and Journey of the Magi Poetry has meaning. This meaning is usually a message, and a message is projected though a voice. When we read poetry we hear this voice. The voices projected in the T.S. Eliot poems The Hippopotamus, The Hollow Men and Journey of the Magi are particularly strong, and the voice carries a lot of meaning to the readers. The voice is three things; the voice of the poetry in relation to Eliot, the voice of the poetry, and the individual readers interpretation of the voice. If something changes in Eliots life, or if he is influenced by something, it may be reflected in his poetry. T.S. Eliot once said a large part†¦show more content†¦While reading the poem they may feel some of the emotions, but it is the final voice of the entire poem that will influence the readers response. The poem The Hollow Men shows the various thoughts, emotions and journeys of men who have died, but do not belong in one particular afterlife because they have done no good, but done no evil. The poem is saying you should do something with your life, because then you will have a determined afterlife. If you do evil things in your life, you will go to the inferno, but at least you are going somewhere. If you do good things, you go to paradise. That is the best. But dont just do nothing, because you will end up standing around waiting for nothing in an empty desert, like the hollow men. Eliot read and admired works of Dante Alighieri. In his work Divina Commedia Dante describes his beliefs on the afterlife; that for the lost/violent souls there was an inferno, for the not so bad souls there was a purgatory, and for the good there was a paradise. Eliot alludes to these, but also creates an other kingdom, a limbo for hollow men. This idea of Dantes may have been the inspiration for th is poem. The voice heard by the reader is the voice of the poem, but after closer examination is also the voice of Eliot
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Negotiation Strategies Level of Complexity and Issues
Question: Discuss about the Negotiation Strategies for Level of Complexity and Issues. Answer: Introduction to the Topic There are wide range of conflicts exist in daily life adding up to the tensions among the individuals and commercial sectors. Hence, it is better to raise a suitable discussion for clarifying the relevant factors supporting the achievement of possible alternatives to reduce the negative implications. With such an aim, the following portion will be dealt with taking a suitable article and analysing that to develop the argument. Topic Two: Wood, T. (2016). Negotiating Strategies Should Fit Your Situation Depending on the context, the best negotiation strategy or style is adopted. Different experts around the world initially study and analyse the relevant situation, in the beginning, to come up with the techniques for achieving the predetermined goal. The selection of the article is done by considering its importance by analysing and demonstrating the negotiation strategies adopted by four recent United States presidents by understanding their corresponding situations. Based on the adjustment to such situation, the particular style and strategy are embraced for achieving the success. Before the analysis of the examples, it must need to propose that the president of the United States is not only known as the commander-in-chief, but also he is responsible for the chief level of negotiation. The president is often needed to make a strategic decision in order to shape up his approaches for negotiating with different satiations from forging an agreement with the foreign power to breaking a deal with the opposition party. With the help of analysis of these particular situations, the proper knowledge related to negotiation strategies can be acknowledged. Considering the example of the negotiation strategies followed by President Barrack Obama, he initially adopted a collaborative approach to reducing the debt level associated with the economy and ensuring different reformations in the healthcare system of the country. However, it is observed that the particular style of negotiation weakened by the low level of collaboration from the opposition party. In this particular scenario, a series of budget crisis can be observed in 2010-11, which leads to the abandonment of such negotiation approach, as the president switched to the competitive approach for dealing with the situations like employment issues and taxation policy challenges. Though the president remained the popular public figure around the world, it is observed that the poll ratings related to his performance had suffered probably by the failure to his earlier negotiation approach. In the case of George W. Bush (2001 2009), the president embraced a competitive approach from the beginning in order to deal with the terrorist attacks of 9/11 incident. With the help of such approach, the president had developed policies from both international and domestic perspectives without seeking much input from his counterparts. The re-election of the president in 2004 suggested that the negotiation strategy adopted by Bush was highly endorsed by the American citizens from the perspective of foreign affairs and national security. The second terms of his period demanded the need of collaborative approach caused by the incidents related to Hurricane Katrina and the financial crisis of 2008 alongside the issues faced by the county related to the illegal immigration. The combination of these particular factors led the end of Bushs presidency. Considering the case of Ronald Reagan (1981 1989), the president understood right from the beginning that the prolonged negotiation requires the adoption of different strategies for different situations. In the first terms of his presidency, he adopted the competitive approach as the negotiation strategy to form the massive military build-up for dealing with the Cold War with between America and the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, from the domestic perspective, Reagan implemented a collaborative approach for forging collaborations with the conservative Democrats for dealing with the spending cuts. Based on such negotiation strategy, the president was able to ensure the substantial tax code reforms in the second presidential term of his tenure. From the instance of Jimmy Carter (1977 1981), it is observed that the president put apriority on the avoidance approach exemplified by the overly passive response to the Iranian hostage crisis. On the other hand, the USs boycott of Summer Olympic 1980 in Moscow due to the invasion of Soviet Union in Afghanistan can be critically observed during the time. Due to the employment of such negotiation approach, he suffered the lack of public support, denying him the second terms in the presidential election. In line with the overall understanding developed, useful information can be further achieved by the analysis of an article named Negotiation Strategy: Seven Common Pitfalls to Avoid produced by Barbara Buell (2007). The significant output of the article is based on avoiding the common pitfalls is necessary in order to involve in the negotiation process for the firm or the individual position. The development of a proper negotiation strategy is highly influenced by the successful bargaining capacity of the responsible individuals. The success of bargaining depends on finding positivity of every possible circumstance. In this particular scenario, it is also necessary to consider some of the common pitfalls providing a hindrance to the successful delivery of the negotiation strategy. Poor planning is one of such identified drawbacks, where the successful negotiators are critically required to make detailed plans by knowing their priorities and agreement. Failure to know such factors wil l affect the own agenda of the negotiator to provide negative influences on the planning process. Apart from that, ineffective thinking capacity also poses a major threat in preparing the right negotiation strategy. For an example, the employer should need to think rationally before providing a promotion or transfer notice to an employee. The employer should need to consider critically on how such decision will affect the rest of the employees within the workforce. Therefore, different types of alternatives and proper clarifications must need to be prepared by the employer in order sustain a decision made by him over a particular scenario. Thirdly, another significant pitfall causing difficulty to the negotiation process strategy is the failure to pay proper attention to the opponent, as the negotiators should need to analyse different kind of biases the opponents are capable of to bring to the table. Conclusion Though the negotiation strategies for an entity or an individual may not match to the presidential level of complexity and issues, it is crucial to adopt and employ a best fitting negotiation strategy based on the situation for achieving the success. References Wood, T. (2016). Negotiating Strategies Should Fit Your Situation | Retrieved 10 March 2016, from
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